Kaitlyn Bristowe Net worth

Kaitlyn Bristowe Net worth :  Kaitlyn Bristowe is a Canadian Born Spin Class instructor and a Reality TV celebrity who has a Net Worth of $220,000 . She amassed fame and popularity on account of her appearance in the reality TV show ” The Bachelorette“.

She first appeared in the 11th season of  “The Bachelorette” where she was competing against 29 other women to win the heart of  Chris Soules .  She landed at the third spot.  This helped Kaitlyn become the judge in the 19th season of the ” The Bachelorette  “. Here we could see many hunks trying to win the heart of this  Ms. Burnette and Beautiful .  The winner of this season was Nick Viall. We yet have to see how well does this couple perform in the real life. Let’s wish them Luck !!
