Olivia Pierson Net Worth

Olivia Pierson is a sizzling hot Reality TV star who became famous for the reality TV show WAGS  and she held a net worth of  $400 Thousand back in 2016 when her reality show was still airing. As of 2018, her current net worth has been estimated at  $ 1 million Dollars.  Have you heard about her Butt Facial? 

Olivia got to star on the Wags on account of being the girlfriend of  Jacksonville Jaguars’ player Marcedes Lewis. This reality show stars the wives and girlfriends of famous celebs of sports and entertainment. On the show, Olivia was seen struggling with her relationship on various accounts.

Olivia is a sex symbol and she is never shy to flaunt her hour shaped glass body on the Big and Small screens. before she became a TV celeb, she was already an accomplished youtube and Instagram star. As of 2018, she is enjoying 257 thousand youtube followers with only 14 videos.

Her channel’s name is  NAT & LIV  where she costars with her cousin Natalie. They make interesting videos about fashion, makeup and Beauty treatments. One of their famous vids is about BUTT FACIAL.

Olivia stirred a storm when she posted a picture of her in a compromising position with the shirtless Basketball celebrity Joel Embidd. However, Joel denied that as being fake and the internet went crazy and lampooned and satirized Olivia for being an attention whore.
