Padma Lakshmi Net worth

Padma Lakshmi Net worth : Padma Lakshmi is an Indian-born American author, actress, model, television  host who had a Net Worth of whooping $1.8 Billion .  Although she is herself a top achiever in various fields , but this affluent Net worth is not by dint of her own efforts as a Model , Tv host or author .

Infact she has been able to indirectly receive this magnanimous amount of wealth by being the wife of  Billionaire Mogul named  Teddy Forst man. The couple has a daughter named Krishna Lakshmi . The 71-year-old mogul, who died of cancer last November with an estimated worth of $1.8 billion, left a trust fund for Krishna Lakshmi even though he famously wasn’t her father.  Lakshmi was previously married to author Salman Rushdie for three years.
