Nordan Shat Net worth

Nordan Shat  who is also famous with the name Faze Rain is famous V logger  and You tuber who enjoys a net worth of  $2 million approximately as of 2018 .  He  has an amazing number of viewership on you tube and you would find  it hard to believe that his subscription has reached up to 5.1 Million on his you tube Channel , as of today .
Want to know some more secret stuff about him ?  Keep reading .

Born in Toronto , Canada , Nordan launched  himself on the Youtube for the first time in 2010 . His channel’s name is Faze Rain  . He deleted most of videos later on and gave his channel a complete new look with his latest videos . Any guesses why he did that ?

He deleted his older videos for he considered them not at par with his current level of skill . He is an expert when it comes to calling shots on the famous video game  “ Call of Duty ” . He plays it with his Online Tribe which are popularly known as  FAZE CLAN . And hey , did we miss telling you about his Sizzling Girl friend ?

Her name is Taylor

