ImmortalHD Net Worth

Immortal HD Net Worth is a Russian Born You tuber who made it to fame with his Videos about the famous video games Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and over watch has a net worth of  $ 10,00, 000 as of 2018 .  His real name is  Aleksandr Vitalyevich Tchernev-Marchant ; quite difficult  Eh ?

He is more famous as  Alexandry Vitaly but  he is most famous with his online name which as we all know is ImmortalHD .   So who wants to know about his Girl Friend ?

Before we reveal his Love life , do you know how many millions of Subscribers he has on his You tube Channel . As of today , he has almost 1.3 Million subscribers and his channel is hosting 368 Videos .

This Video gamer not only knows how to move to maneuver his joystick while video gaming , he also is adept at the art of courting fine ladies .  Alex was dating a red chilli hot redhead named Tiffany Kudrikow. After breaking up with her for some unknown reasons , Alex is now gaming another beautiful hottie named named Dominika Baczek.  She graces some of his videos and makes hearts beat with her hip long silky hair ; but too bad she cut them short recently in 2017 .   Don’t fret ! You can still watch her past tresses ( Hair) in Alex’s old vids.
