Dan Howell net worth

Dan Howell , a young English Video Blogger , who operates a youtube channel having a subscriber’s list of around 4 .6Million  , and he enjoys a Net Worth of  $2.6 million (£1.7 million) as of 2015.  His success is indeed phenomenal , as he is considered amongst the top notch of Video bloggers of this Era.

He started working on this career in 2009 . In 2015 , he authored his first book with the name  The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire. And as per the expectations , with a standing Army of online subscribers , his book saw amazing sales at the Amazon .

Although there is much Hear and Say about this charming young millionaire’s Love Life  , but it is said that Dan Howell is dating a beautiful girl named Catherine Valdes. Is it true OR just a Rumor is yet to be confirmed.


