Faze adapt net worth

Faze Adapt whose real name is Alex is an American online Gamer , Prankster , you tuber and a celebrity who has managed to amass a amazing net worth of  $ 3 Million Dollars , as of 2018 .  He belongs to the world famous Call of Duty video gamers’ tribe  who are collectively called as FAZE CLAN .  Here are some details from his life which we bet didn’t know .

Faze Adapt is one of the directors in the Faze Clan . He was born on June 5, 1997 in Arizona and he has Four Sisters  who have the cutest names one could ever imagine . They are named : Milan, Paris, Sydney, and Vienna. We are not certain but a rough guess is that Alex’s parents must have some deep connection to these Cities  or perhaps they couldn’t have the four cities , so they decided to have four daughters named on those sisters .  Other than his siblings , let  us tell something about Alex’s Love Life .

Alex was dating a chubby looking hottie named   Adrianna Scalley , who happened  to appear on His videos every once in a while . They are split now because of the news of her cheating on him . He made some of his most famous videos with her such as : Yoga Challenge with Girlfriend!  , Yoga Challenge with Adrianna .

Alex has 4.5 Million Subscribers on You tube and he is a superstar at what he does along with his other members from the call of Duty tribe .  He is 20 years old and he already has impinged his mark on the Youtube territory . Along with earning from youtube he gets a cut from the ” Faze Clan  Apparel ” and  merchandise which are quite popular amongst the teenagers .

