Nicole Arbour net worth

Nicole Arbour net worth :   Nicole Arbour is a  very charming and sizzling Canadian-born  actress who rose to fame with her youtube channel and she has Networth of  $350,000 as f 2016.  Her Youtube Channel has 300,000 Subscribers and she is earning money through advertisements on her channel. Lets explore some Juicy facts about her  further .

Born on June 26, 1985 in Hamilton, Canada , she is jack of many trades such as acting , music , Choreography and the master of video blogging . By far her most controversial video was clip called “Dear Fat People” in which Nicole stated that according to her there’s no such as thing as fat-shaming. it was later revealed by her that she meant no disrespect to anyone and this video was a Satire.

Her Youtube channel comprises of a variety of topics : motivational nonsense , comedy sketching and the most famous amongst them all is her series of  “The History of ” ; One in which she displayed  The History of BRAS , by trying a number of luscious bras on her curvaceous body .



