Caspar Lee net worth

Caspar lee is a South African Vlogger , who is a Youtube Celebrity  with a Networth of around $2 Million in 2015. . He earns this by the advertisements that his youtube channel hosts , usually before and after his Videoes. His yearly income is around $0.7 Million . Richie Rich , Isn’t he ?   He has a subscribers list of  4 Million.There is more to him than just this .

Casper Lee was diagnosed with Tourette’s disorder when he was a small kid. But he never gave into this syndrome and with his God-gifted abilities , he managed to become the funniest Clown in his class. Thanks to youtube that he is now an international entertainer . In fact right from his childhood , when he was hardly 16 years of age he was filming videos in his own bedroom, shirtless, with a camera he bought from his poker winnings. He is currently living in

Fame and wealth has not made him spendthrift , as he is currently living in an apartment in London, UK with another famous v logger, Joe Sugg.

