Bretman rock Net worth

Bretman rock Net worth:  Bretman rock is 2o years old youtube celebrity who became an instant hit and reached a Networth of $ 500,000 in 2016 . His YouTube channel surpassed 860,000 followers and 18 million views. He has also 5.9 million followers on Instagram.

Born in Philippines 1998  , his family shifted to Hawaii . He created his youtube channel in 2011 but he waited to release content until 2015. Using his Videoes on Youtube and Vine , he is earning loads of money by selling apparel, makeup bag, phone cases, head gear, and posters. He is making waves in the beauty& Makeup  industry by making his videoes about Full Face Pink Glam Tutorial, Whisper Challenge – Bretman Rock, and How to Contour: Bretman Rock.

He is considered an expert by his fans on the matters of makeup techniques to skincare advice.

