FPSRussia Net worth

FPS RUSSIA is the official you tube channel of a Georgian Weapons ( firearms) Enthusiast and you tuber who has earned himself  a net worth of $3  Million Dollars as of 2018. How is he earning his wealth ?  Simple ! He is just making some interesting  videos about Forearms and explosives and stashing money from allowing advertisers to use his videos as a platform for showcasing their products .  Let  us tell you more interesting details about him .

His real name is Kyle Myers who was born on May 9, 1986 in Georgia.  Before becoming a youtuber , Kyle was a car dealer and he had a Russian coworker .  There came to him the idea of impersonating the Russian accent and starting  a you tube channel with the alter ego Dimitri Potapoff .

As of  2018 , kyle has a subscription of 6.3 Million Subscribers  and His top Video  named AA 12 Fully automatic gun has nearly 57  Million Views .   Life is not all roses for this georgian millionaire . His House was raided by ATF agents searching for illegal explosives and weaponry . But Luckily , he Kyle steered clear of any charges
and continues to entertain his audience and make some stimulating cash until today .  He is also venturing into newer channels and he is hosting a Podcast named Painkiller Already . 


